Sample Collection
We use the painless buccal (cheek) swab to collect samples. We only need samples from the alleged father(s) and child, the mother’s sample is only needed in rare cases. The alleged father(s) and child do not need to provide samples at the same time. Also, we have extensive affiliations with other collection sites in the US if a participant is in another area. Call 757-469-3921 for more information.
Non-Standard Samples
Optional – If you are unable to collect a mouth-swab DNA sample, we may be able to test a foreign object for a DNA profile. Check our Non-Standard Samples page for a list of possible samples.
Statistics of Paternity
When discussing the DNA results, we’ll provide a probability whether two participants are related. Depending on the characteristics of the provided sample and complexity of the case, the results will be up to 99.9999% accurate.
DNA Test Pricing
Our prices assume all DNA participants are local and come to our office. If one or more participants are located in a different area, there will be additional collection and shipping charges.