Quality DNA/Paternity TestingFast • Accurate • Affordable • Convenient
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Frequently Asked Questions

DNA/Paternity Testing FAQ

What is a 46 Marker Test?
While other labs test 24 markers, we give the ability to test 26 and 46 markers
(AccuPlex26 and AccuPlex46), to help strengthen results. We’ve had such great success
with our AccuPlex46 test, that we now always use it for non-legal Sibling, Aunt / Uncle, and Grandparent DNA Tests. Most of our other (personal/non-legal) services are eligible for
the 46 marker DNA Test. This test has successfully removed a large portion of inconclusive cases.
What are DNA Markers?
A DNA Marker is a known location that can be used to identify cells to help identify family relationships.
How accurate is a DNA Test?
DNA testing is the most accurate way to prove paternity, up to 99.9999%. Sibling, Aunt / Uncle, and Grandparent DNA Tests need 91% probability to be considered conclusive.  Our laboratory follows the Excellent Laboratory Practices (ELP) program which includes proficiency testing 3
times a year for all DNA analysts and second pass analysis for all excluded fathers.
How do I receive my DNA Test results?
For non-legal tests, in an effort to be more environmentally friendly, we email your DNA report. By receiving an email, you will get access to your results faster and always have the digital
copy in your inbox. The report is attached to the email as an Adobe PDF file that can be
saved and printed on your terms. The PDF file is the exact copy of what we would mail you.  For legal tests, in addition to the email, you will receive 2 official paper copies by mail.  Additional official copies are available at $5 each.
When will I get my DNA Test results?
Depending on the complexity of the case, orders take 3-5 business days for results.
Typically, however, we are able to send your results in 3 or 4 business days total.  We can achieve these fast results because we over-night all of our samples to the lab.
Which DNA Test should I order?
When deciding on a DNA Test, consider the participants able to be tested. If you are unsure
which test would best match your situation, please call us during normal business
hours for help.
Do I need to include the mother in my DNA Test?
For a typical paternity test, the short answer is, “no”.  We suggest adding the mother’s DNA when the father is not available like the Avuncular test, Grandparent test or Sibling test.  In rare cases,
general mutations or weak samples may weaken the results, so by adding the mother or testing 46
Markers, you’re guaranteed better results.
What if the father is in jail?
Each jail has different rules but.  We recommend for the person incarcerated to go to the medical office with an addressed envelope including needed postage.  Ask the nurse to swab and complete the form plus send your samples to lab.  Always call the jail ahead of time to set up a plan.
Can DNA be extracted from anything?
The techniques used at our Lab are extremely sensitive and successful at retrieving DNA from
any item where cellular material is present. If we do not get a profile, chances are there was no DNA on the item.
How can I order a DNA Test privately?
Call us and we will ship you the test with instructions, then pay with a pre-paid credit card
(available at most retail stores). We will only contact you if there are problems with your order, such as weak DNA samples or illegible writing. You can only do this for personal/non-legal testing.
Can my DNA Test be rushed?
We only offer rush processing for the Non-Legal only for an extra $150 fee. Your samples will get immediate attention and will start processing before other orders so it might save you 1 day.
Can I add or replace a participant to an existing case?
Absolutely. By adding a sample to a case, you will only pay for the additional participant.  To replace or add a sample, you will pay for the additional sample fee (varies) plus $20 for over-night shipping (only if the sample is shipped separately from the other samples). We will run the sample match again including the new sample.

What is the difference between a legal and personal DNA Test?
The difference is found in the collection method. To submit the results from a DNA Test for legal reasons, a chain of custody (including copied of ID) must be established and maintained in regards to the swabs collected, usually done by an independent third party. A personal/non-legal test allows for personal collection of the samples, but they are not typically acceptable for legal matters.
Is a legal DNA Test necessary?
This depends on your situation. If you require evidence in a court case, or similar legal situation,
you will need a legal DNA Test. If you are working with an agency, we recommend discussing your
options with them. Some of our clients order a personal/non-legal test first, allowing them to
decide whether or not to get a lawyer involved.  Again, call us for help.
Can two people have an exact DNA profile?
To have an exact DNA profile, the two people must be identical twins.
How does a Paternity DNA Test work?
Generally, if the alleged father and child share a DNA type in common at all markers, it is concluded
that he is the biological father. Otherwise, he may not be the father. While the complete answer is
a bit more complicated, this generalization applies to the majority of the cases.
How does a Sibling DNA Test work?
When comparing two siblings or half siblings it is best to also test the mother(s) of the two
individuals. This strengthens the statistics by isolating the father’s DNA type that was given
to each of the siblings. If only the two siblings can be tested, there is a chance that the results will be inconclusive. In most cases, a conclusive result can be determined using a 46 marker test.
How is the Y-Chromosome inherited?
The Y-chromosome is passed down from father to son. None of the female children get the
Y-Chromosome. The profile generated between a father and son will be identical barring any mutation. You can also use a grandfather or uncle’s DNA and a male child/adult.
Can DNA be used to catch a cheating spouse?
Yes. Our lab’s trained forensic scientists are experienced in dealing with infidelity and criminal sexual assault cases. If DNA cells from another man or woman were left behind, they will find them.
Can brothers or sisters of the alleged father be tested for Paternity?
Yes. If the father is unavailable, you can perform a DNA Test using the brothers or sisters of the father.  The same goes for using the parents of the father (Grandparents).